The Carbon and Biodiversity Phase 2 project (CarBi 2)

“Avoidance of Deforestation and Forest Degradation along the Border in Central Vietnam and Southern Lao PDR in Salavan and Sekong Provinces (CarBi Phase 2) is a transboundary project that contributes to the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of ecosystems and the conservation of biological diversity in the Central Annamites Landscape (CAL). Through innovative and transformational conservation interventions, CarBi 2 supports the governments of Laos and Vietnam to meet their obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity. By the end of 2025, this project is expected to achieve four outputs, which include: 1). The protected area network is expanded and effectively conserved; 2). Capacities of local role players to implement national policies and international regulations on illegal wildlife and timber trade, including CITES are enhanced; 3). Effective community engagement in sustainable natural resource management and protection is increased, and 4). Sustainable financing mechanisms are developed and promoted to key decision-makers.

© Adam Oswell

Project Location

The project area falls within the CAL mountain range, covering an area of about 300,000 hectares in the provinces of Salavan and Sekong in the South of Laos, as well as in the Vietnamese provinces of Quang Nam and Thua Thien Hue. Being one of the biggest contiguous natural forests in continental Asia, the region is a storehouse of rich biodiversity. In Laos, the project will help to conserve the biodiversity and ecosystems in and around the forest complex of Xesap National Protected Area. This will be achieved through improved natural resource management by key role players, including civil society organizations, and by reaching across borders to cooperate with Vietnam. The activities will be implemented in the districts of Kaleum - Sekong, Samouy, and Ta Oy - Salavan Provinces under the guidance of the Project Steering Committee, consisting of the Department of Forestry, Department of Planning and Finance, Department of Forest Inspection, Department of International Organisation, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices as well as Provincial Office of Education and Sport in Sekong and Salavan Provinces, District Governor’s Offices of Kaleum, Samouy and Ta Oy Districts, and WWF-Laos.

© Thomas Calame
© David Hulse
  • Effectively expand the protected area network, establish specialised Forest Ranger patrol capacity, conduct cutting edge biodiversity monitoring and data management systems, policy transformation and scaling up of best practice lessons learnt; 
  • Enhance the capacities of local stakeholders to implement national policies and international regulations on illegal wildlife and timber trade, support multi-agency law enforcement interventions, promote trans boundary cooperation to reduce illegal wildlife trade, conduct demand reduction and consumer behaviour change interventions to disrupt the bushmeat supply chain; 
  • Increase effective community engagement in sustainable natural resource management and protection through the establishment and capitalisation of Village Development Funds and Biodiversity Conservation Agreements in priority villages, supported through a fit for purpose livelihoods enhancement strategy and implementation support, as well as a robust community awareness raising and behaviour change approach; 
  • Develop sustainable financing mechanisms and promote to key decision makers, with specific focus on the development and piloting of a Payment for Forest Environmental Services scheme in Xesap NPA. 
© WWF-Laos

Project MoU Signing to Protect Forests and Biodiversity of Central Annamites Landscape

On October 29, 2019 -- Officials from WWF-Laos and the Department of Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry kicked off the Laos side of an ambitious project to protect the forests and wildlife of Southern Laos and Central Vietnam today during a ceremony in Pakse City, Champasak Province. 

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a six-year 3,309,877 million Euro (Laos side) project was signed at Alavanh hotel, Pakse City by Mr. Sangthong Southammakod, Deputy Director General of DoF and Mr. Somphone Bouasavanh, Country Director of WWF-Laos, in the presence of officials representing the central and the two provinces of Sekong and Salavan.


More about MoU Signing Ceremony

CarBi Phase 2 MoU Signing Ceremony

© WWF-Laos

The project's main implementation management committee consists of the Department of Forestry under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office in Sekong and Salavan province, and WWF-Laos. 

The Carbon and Biodiversity Phase 2 Project (CarBi 2) is implemented by WWF through KfW, and part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.


Saylom Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Laos
Tel: +856 21 21 6080

Central Annamites Landscape manager
Amphone Phommachack

Trans Boundary Director
Fanie Bekker