Lao-Thai Fisheries

The project will aim to improve transboundary freshwater natural resources management via the creation of fish conservation zones (FCZ), fisheries management committees and village patrolling units in 15 villages. It will run in parallel with a similar project in Thailand, in an effort to jointly improve the management of the Mekong River’s rich natural resources. The project will also support local livelihoods and the development of alternative sources of income to reduce pressure on freshwater natural resources. In addition, the project will seek to raise awareness of communities to better understand the benefits of fish conservation and fisheries management.


The 3-year project is funded by WWF Switzerland and receives technical support from the WWF Greater Mekong Programme Office. To further demonstrate the benefits of fish conservation zones, the DLF and WWF will use systematic monitoring and evaluation processes that will provide scientific grounds for the replication of the community fisheries model in other parts of Laos as well as the Greater Mekong region.


Setting up fish conservation zones has a fundamental importance for both people and the environment. FCZs contribute to the overall improvement of people’s livelihoods by increasing fish stocks and thus the rivers’ fish productivity. FCZs also contribute to freshwater conservation as fish species benefit from safe havens to spawn, feed and shelter.


This new project is the latest in a long-lasting cooperation between the DLF and WWF Laos that started in 2007. At the time, the project also supported villages the southern provinces of Sekong and Attapeu as well as Bokeo province in the north of Laos. Since then, the DLF and WWF have supported the creation of more than 250 fish conservation zones in seven provinces.

© WWF-Laos
A long the bank, fishermen return back from a long day of fishing in Tha-Khaek, Khammouane province.
© WWF-Laos
© WWF-Laos
Fish survey in the project area
© WWF-Laos

New community fisheries project to preserve Mekong's biodiversity

(Vientiane Times News) A new community fisheries project in the Mekong River was launched in Vientiane yesterday with the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry agreeing to cooperate with the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF-Laos).  


A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by the DLF's Deputy Director General, Mr. Bounthong Saphakdy and WWF-Lao Country Director, Mr. Somphone Bouasavanh in the presence of representatives from the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources and Environment and local authorities.

(Click on the right photo to read more...) 

© WWF-Laos
Fishing in Khammouan province -- along the bank in the evening.
© WWF-Laos

Project 6 months Annual Meeting Jun 2017



    •    To present the project update and results of activities in the last 6months.

    •    To present the 6 months activities plan and budget.

    •    To discuss and share Fisheries technical experience between GoL counterparts and projects.


The success of the project



    •    Completed village / household socio economy survey in 19 villages, 6 districts, and 2 provinces. Total 3,905 families, total interview 1,140 families.

    •    Completed a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) survey in 19 villages, 6 districts, and 2 provinces. Interview 30 families per village, total interview 570 families. 60% are fishermen, 20% are village authorities and the other 20% are women.

    •    Completed Biomass and water quality survey in 4 target locations in 2 provinces.

    •    Completed village fish catch monitoring training in 4 target villages in 2 provinces.

    •    Completed the fisheries last sighting interview in 4 target villages in 2 provinces.

    •    Completed village consultation meeting, choosing deep pool conservation location, set the deep pool  conservation regulations in 7 villages ( 4 of 9 villages in Bolikhamxay and 3 of 9 villages in Khammouane province)

© Khanthavy Phimmasone / WWF-Laos
Project 6 months annual meeting on 15 Jun 2017
© Khanthavy Phimmasone / WWF-Laos

Project 6 Months Annual Meeting Results

© WWF-Laos
Lao-Thai Fisheries project and community beneficially (Click to read the article in Lao)
© WWF-Laos

Over 200,000 Fingerlings Released to Mekong River

WWF-Laos and Khammouane province released over 200,000 young fish, or fingerlings into the Mekong River in Thakhak, Khammouane province to mark the 20th anniversary of the National Day for Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Conservation on July 13.


The celebration of the National Day for Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Conservation was held in Thakhak, Khammounae province on 13 Jul 2017, in the presence of the provincial governors, provincial agriculture  and fisheries offices, related departments, WWF-Laos and WWF-Thailand and a representative of the Nakhornphanom provincial fisheries department.


The release of fingerlings on the National Day for Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Conservation aims to conserve and increase the amount of wild fish, the main source of food and protein for Lao people.


WWF-Laos’ project, Fisheries Community Co-management in the Middle Mekong, works closely with more than 18 villages in Borlikhamsay and Khammouane provinces to build the villagers’ capacity in sustainable fisheries management, setting up fish conservation and awareness raising.

© WWF-Laos
WWF-Laos and Khammouan province co-organizing event to mark the National Fish Releasing Day on 13 Jul 2017.
© WWF-Laos
© WWF-Laos
Khammouan province, one of the two target provinces of WWF-Laos Fisheries Community Project
© WWF-Laos

Contact Information


House No. 39, Unit 05, Chanthabouly District, 

Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. PO Box: 7871




Tel: +856 21 216080 

Fax: +856 21 251883


© Bounpone Sookmexay / WWF-Laos
WWF-Laos Office in Vientiane Capital, Laos.
© Bounpone Sookmexay / WWF-Laos