Education & Awareness

Children growing up today will live in a world dramatically different to our own in just a few decades. Climate change and over exploitation of natural resources will put pressures on the planet unseen before in modern history.
Since WWF’s inception, education has been integral to our mission and the programmes carried out to meet it. Today, it’s as important – if not more – than ever.
Education programmes initiated by WWF, including school and outreach initiatives, community learning and developing curricula, aim to empower and motivate young people, partners and local communities, to solve the challenges facing the environment.
In Laos, we are at an opportune time to engage in such activities. With the advent of modern technology and social media, there are new channels to raise awareness and spread educational messages throughout the country. It is the children and young adults today that will be the decision makers of the future, so fostering their support and care for our natural world is crucial to make a difference.
From our Green Schools programme in Siphandone, to community awareness raising about sustainable fisheries in central Laos, and CarBi’s community leadership mentoring programme, knowledge and awareness is being funnelled into action on the ground.
© Adam Oswell / WWF-Canon
Students learning about local fish conservation laws in Siphandone.
© Adam Oswell / WWF-Canon
© Ian Lacey / WWF-Laos
Students from the National University of Laos debate forest conservation issues at an event co-organised by WWF-Laos.
© Ian Lacey / WWF-Laos